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CPLD ispLSI 3000 Family

LATTICE 3000 SERIES speed performance speed performance of Lattice - PLSI Architecture LATTICE 3000 SERIES 0290D GAL programmer schematic ISP Engineering Kit - Model 100.

The ispLSI and pLSI 3000 family of high-density devices address high-performance system logic designs implementing logic functions, ranging from registers, to counters, to multiplexers, to complex state machines.

With up to 14,000 PLD gates density, the ispLSI and pLSI 3000 Family provides a wide range of programmable logic solutions which meet tomorrow's design requirements today. Each device contains multiple Generic Logic Blocks (GLBs), which are designed to maximize system flexibility and performance. A balanced ratio of registers and I/O cells provides the optimum combination of internal logic and external connections. A global interconnect scheme ties everything together, enabling utilization of up to 80% of available logic.